The Code of Conduct of DLE Group AG defines the basis for ethical behavior of our employees in all subsidiaries and at our locations worldwide. It includes principles on ethical investments, respect for human and labor rights, fair competition, prohibition of bribery, money laundering, conflicts of interest, confidentiality taxes as well as data protection and information security.
A Compliance Officer monitors compliance with the policies and conducts customized compliance training annually. Also, all DLE employees certify compliance with the Code of Conduct each year.
Employees can report tips on hazards, misconduct, or suspicious circumstances confidentially or anonymously to an external hotline without fear of disadvantage. This includes bribery, fraud, and other criminal activity, lapses in judgment, health and safety risks, environmental damage, and any violation of legal obligations.
An external data protection officer overlooks the DLE management system for data protection and conducts audits. Training is mandatory for new employees.