Industry insights
This overview of the relevant terms and processes of the asset management industry also provides an insight into the relevant ESG criteria, such as the Sustainable Mezzanine Fund. The identification of sustainability risks and opportunities as well as the integration of sustainability aspects into DLE’s services are clearly explained. In addition to the ESG criteria and the ESG approach of the DLE platform, the commitment to integrate ESG aspects in initiated funds of DLE within the framework of the Principles for Responsible Investments will also be addressed.
In addition to the German asset management market, the largest asset management providers in Europe and worldwide will also be listed.
ASSET MANAGEMENTThe DLE Group wants to have a positive impact on society which is why sustainable and responsible investments are a high priority for Europe’s leading asset management platform. This motivated DLE Living to develop the ESG-Scorecard together with a leading ESG consultant to enable ESG fund investments.
ESGThe Berlin-based DLE Group is one of Europe’s leading providers of land development and Germany’s premier asset management company. This overview explains the activities of DLE Group AG, as well as its subsidiaries in the Senior Living, Value-Add Logistics and Sustainable Mezzanine sectors.